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We currently sell the majority of our beef by the half or quarter as we are a fair distance from any major center. Buying in bulk allows you to receive considerable savings verses buying by the individual cut.
A half typically weighs about 300 lbs and after cutting and wrapping will yield approx. 200lbs of meat. Quarters will typically weigh about 150 lbs and will yield approx. 100 lbs of meat. Price/lb is based on the hot hanging weight before cutting which is $4.57/lb for a half.
Typical hind quarter would contain sirloin steaks, strip steaks, sirloin tip roasts, outside round roasts, rump roasts and 20lbs hamburger and is $4.80/lb
Typical front quarter would contain rib eye steaks, chuck roasts, stewing beef, cross rib roasts and 60 lbs hamburger and is $4.34/lb.
If ordering a quarter or a half, you can provide cutting instructions which include:
Size of roasts – average is 3-4lbs or 4-5 lbs. If you would like larger, please specify and we will try to accommodate.
Thickness of steaks and number/package. Normal thickness is ¾ inch but the majority of orders are 1” or thicker.
Size of hamburger package – 1lb, 1.5 lbs or 2 lb. Fresh, is also a possibility if you are willing to pick up direct from the abattoir in 5 lb vacuum sealed bags for immediate processing into patties, meatballs etc.
As many customers would like more hamburger, you can specify that the poorer or tougher cuts be ground into hamburger. These would include shoulder roasts, round roasts or round steak etc.
There will also be some organ meats and specialty cuts such as liver, heart, tongue, oxtail and soup bones depending on whether you order a front or hind quarter or a half.
We realize that ordering a quarter or a half is a larger cash outlay than normal, but it is the easiest way for us to manage inventory at this time. We do recommend splitting an order with friends or family so that you can take advantage of the discounted price of bulk orders.
Goats: We are currently selling whole goats cut to your specification. Occasionally we may sell by the piece as many have not tried goat before. Let us know if you are interested, and when demand merits, we will let you know.
All orders picked up directly at the abattoir are eligible for a 10% discount.
The abattoir we currently use is Renard's Meat Services in Virden, MB. We have chosen Renard's for a variety of reasons: